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Create awesome  elegant  stunning handsome beautiful charming outstanding unusual  unique  singular eccentric remarkable breathtaking inimitable

frame pages

to promote your events
on social media

What is a frame page ?

Frame pages are dedicated for event organizers who wish to boost their event’s visibility on social media through community engagement.

A frame page is a web page that features our Frame-Me technology, which adds the official frame design* of an event on any uploaded image.

This allows visitors to effortlessly create and download personalized framed images.

With, you can easily create a frame page and publish it on your own.

Filling out a Frame page registration form takes less than 5 minutes if you already have a frame design ready to be used.

Once your Frame-Me page is created, all you need to do is share the page link (by copying the URL) with your audience to let them promote your event on social media.

You don't have
your event frame yet?

No worries,
we can create
your new frame design!

Create a new event Frame-Me page

Our design studio is ready to work on the design of your new frame

You will receive the first design proposals in a couple of days