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FRAME-ME, is a subdivision of WANNADANCE whose head office is in France, Paris (75001) – 229 rue Saint-Honoré (hereinafter “FRAME-ME”) makes available on its website and its subdomains as well as on any other means of electronic access (hereinafter the “Site”) , a Marketplace platform (hereinafter “Platform”) allowing anyone, including individuals acting in their personal capacity, as a consumer (hereinafter “Buyer(s)”) to be connected with sellers, having opened an account on the Site (hereinafter the “Seller(s)”), in the purpose of buying the products are of the latter (hereinafter the “Products”). It is specified that the Sellers may also display advertisements on the Site (hereinafter the “Ad(s)”).

If necessary, it is specified that the Seller’s can sell tickets as products for all types of events / shows related to the field of activity covered by the Site (hereinafter “Tickets”).

For all practical purposes, it is specified that FRAME-ME intervenes in the context of the relationship with the Seller only for the provision of the Platform and the Site. In this respect, FRAME-ME is not a contracting party to the sales contract concluded between the Seller and its Buyer relating to the Products.

FRAME-ME therefore assumes no obligation with respect to the sales contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller. Any Order of a Buyer implies full and complete adhesion of the latter to the Seller’s general sales conditions applicable on the date of the Order (as defined below).


The present general conditions of use of the Platform (hereinafter “TOS”) apply to Sellers and Buyers (hereinafter collectively referred to as a “User”) during any connection to the platform or website as well as any order from Products made by a Buyer from a Seller on the Platform (hereinafter “the order”). The version of the TOS applicable will be the version in effect at each connection to the Platform or the Site and during any Order.


2.1. Access to the Platform

The Platform is accessible via a remote connection through a login address (URL), an identifier and a password (hereinafter “Identifiers”).

2.2. Identifiers

The Identifiers are proof of the identity of the User and bind him to any use made through him. Their combination will be worth acceptance of the T & Cs. In this respect, the User acknowledges that he proceeds to the electronic signature of these Terms and Conditions in full knowledge of the technology implemented and the terms thereof, and consequently renounces to implicate, in the context of any claim and / or legal action, the reliability of said electronic signature solution and / or the manifestation of its willingness to contract.

The User is alone and fully responsible for his Identifiers. He alone bears the consequences that may result from their use by others who were aware. In case of loss of a password, the User has the possibility of re-initializing it via access to a dedicated feature of the Site.

The identifiers are personal and confidential. They can only be modified at the request of the User or at the initiative of FRAME-ME. The User is alone and fully responsible for the use and preservation of his Identifiers. It undertakes, therefore, to take all measures to ensure their complete security and confidentiality and not to disclose them to third parties, in any form and for any reason whatsoever. In case of loss or theft of one or more of its identifiers, the User is solely responsible for the harmful consequences that may result. It must therefore implement, as soon as possible, the procedure for modifying the identifiers.

2.3. Exchange of information

The User is solely responsible for the information he communicates (name, surname, mail, name, contact details, address, SIRET, etc.), as well as consequences that may result from a possible error or inaccuracy (delay or impossibility of access to the service …). FRAME-ME incurs no liability whatsoever in this respect. The User agrees that any communication relating to the use of the Platform is made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 13.3.


Users acknowledge expressly that:
• the use of the Identifiers allows the identification of the author of an Order or a message and establishes the authenticity of the Order or the message, without this list being exhaustive,
• an electronic document containing a User’s Identifiers is equivalent to a writing signed by him,
• the parties may avail themselves of the paper-based impression of an electronic message from an electronic messaging software to prove the content of the exchanges they have concerning the execution of these TOU,
• the data recorded by FRAME-ME during the use of the Platform (registration, Orders, …) constitute proof of all transactions concluded with Users.


FRAME-ME grants to the User a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable right of use on all the software necessary for the functioning of the Platform (hereinafter “software”) For the duration of the contract between the User and FRAME-ME.

The User may use the Software only in connection with the execution of the Orders, their preludes or their execution, to the exclusion of any other purpose.

The User may not under any circumstances make the Software available to a third party, and strictly forbids himself any other use, including any adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, distribution, decompilation, without this list being limiting.
The license terms automatically apply to all updates and new releases made by FRAME-ME under this license. Notwithstanding the rights granted above, this license does not grant the User any intellectual property rights over the Software, which remain the exclusive property of FRAME-ME.


Buyers may order the Products as long as they are offered on the Site by the Seller.
Subject to the commitments entered by the Seller with FRAME-ME, the Seller freely decides which Products it wishes to offer for sale and the conditions for their sale as well as the content of any Advertising made by the latter on the Site.
It is up to the Seller to provide any useful clarification as to the exact condition of the Products that he sells on the Platform. The responsibility of FRAME-ME cannot be engaged in Assuming the characteristics or condition of the Product received by the Buyer will correspond not t to what was indicated by the Seller in his ad.

The price of each Product is indicated inclusive of tax and delivery charges, in the description of the product. Product. The delivery costs are freely fixed by the Seller and are added to the price of the Product before final confirmation of the Order by the Buyer.

FRAME-ME assumes no responsibility for the delay or delivery terms of the Products which remain under the sole responsibility of the Seller and its potential suppliers.

Any Order from a Buyer implies full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Sale and Seller’s general terms and conditions of sale. In this regard, it is clarified that the e Seller alone determines the content of his terms of sales and its return and refund policies. The responsibility of FRAME-ME cannot be incurred for the content of terms and conditions of the Seller and its return and refund policy. Even though M APDANCE is not responsible for disputes arising between the Seller and the Buyer, FRAME-ME will act, if necessary as a mediator to resolve the said dispute in order to determine the most appropriate solution to protect the interests of the buyers and the image of the Site and the Platform. Following this mediation, the Seller and the Buyers will be required to accept the decision made by FRAME-ME. If there is a refund of the product, FRAME-ME can proceed once the seller has provided the necessary funds.

Any Order from the Buyer will be communicated to the Seller only after full payment of the price of the Product, in principal and accessories, by the Buyer.

Buyers perform their credit card payment on a bank account opened in the name of FRAME-ME that cash funds on behalf of the Seller.

From the notification of the Order to the Seller by FRAME-ME, the contract of sale is definitively concluded between the Seller and the Buyer and the Buyer is debited the amount paid by credit card.

The Seller is solely responsible in case of unavailability of the Product which he alone has the control.

Seller agrees to ship and deliver or, where applicable to make available in the store, within the deadlines indicated to the Buyer of the Order, the Products subject of the Order. The delivery of the Products is made under the sole responsibility of the Seller or, as the case may be, the Buyer, if the general conditions of sale of the seller, as accepted by the Buyer so provide.

The Buyer is informed that any Order must give rise on his part to a confirmation of receipt and conformity of the Products received or to a dispute within a period expiring on the day of expiry of the statutory withdrawal period referred to in Article 6. Otherwise, the Order will be deemed to have been validly made by the Seller and the latter will be paid the amount of the Order, without any subsequent dispute possible for the Buyer.


In France, under the conditions set out in Article L.121-21 of the Consumer Code, the Purchaser has a cancellation period of fourteen (14) calendar days before the receipt of the last Product of his Order. In other countries, the local legislation applies.
The Buyer may return, without justification or penalty, any Product, in its original packaging and in good condition, clean to its re-marketing and ask the exchange or refund to the seller.

Any request from the Buyer to this effect must be notified to the Seller on the Site.

The return of a parcel must be carefully prepared by the Buyer according to the instructions given by the Seller, in particular, it must be returned with all the accessories delivered in its original packaging, and sent to the address of the competent department which has been communicated. to the Buyer by the Seller.

In accordance with the provisions of Article L.121-21-4 of the Consumer Code, the Seller has fourteen (14) days to reimburse the Buyer, from the date on which it is informed of his decision to withdraw. The Seller may defer repayment until recovery of the goods or until the Buyer has provided proof of the shipment of these goods, the date chosen being that of the first of these facts.
FRAME-ME will proceed to the reimbursement of the Buyer by order of the Seller by the same means of payment as that used to pay its Order.

It is, however, expressly stated that in France, under Article L. 121-21-8 of the Code of Consumption, except agreement of the Seller, the right of retraction cannot be exerted for certain goods and products. In this respect, FRAME-ME recalls that the Tickets are not subject to a right of withdrawal.


7.1. General provisions

FRAME-ME intervenes only as an intermediary between the Seller and the Buyer. FRAME-ME has in no way the reseller quality of the Products offered on the Site and the Platform. Accordingly, FRAME-ME will not assume any costs and obligations of any kind, relating to the Seller’s business or the promotion and sale of the Products and does not give any warranty to any person as to the Products or the Sellers.

In application of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the economy Numeric (LCEN) FRAME-ME responsibility cannot be committed because of content made available on the Site by Sellers or Buyers unless FRAME-ME did not make them inaccessible after their wrongfulness has been notified to them.
In addition, the sale of Products occurring on the Platform only between the Seller and Purchaser, FRAME-ME cannot be held liable for the said sale to which FRAME-ME is foreign.

Therefore, any claim must be addressed by the Buyer to the Seller, via the Site. FRAME-ME undertakes to set up the adequate support service to streamline the communication between the Seller and the Buyer or respond to any request relating to the use of the platform. Therefore FRAME-ME supports the technical aspects related to the platform and leave it to the Seller of a p bring answers for any other related subjects such products sold. Any contact between the Seller and the Buyer will be made via the platform using a contact form. The Seller remains alone responsible for the processing of claims and after-sales services related to the Products he sells on the Site. FRAME-ME not liable in case of dispute between a Buyer and Seller, but nevertheless reserves the right to intervene in arbitration in Seller does not provide an answer to a request or settle a dispute opened by Buyer within 10 calendar days. In this case, the Seller is required to comply with the arbitration rendered by FRAME-ME.

7.2. Specific provisions for the sale of Tickets

FRAME-ME acts as an intermediary between Buyers and Ticket Vendors. Accordingly, these TOS apply only to the intermediation services and not the general conditions of sale of Tickets applied by the Sellers, regardless of the quality of the latter (including organizers / resellers of ticketing), nor the conditions organization or running of the show or the event itself. In this respect, the latter undertakes to inform Buyer s any kind of event to undermine the smooth running of the show or event concerned by the Ticket. Any ticket refund request for any reason whatsoever (cancellation of the event or other) or more generally any communication should be addressed to the Seller via the Platform.

The conditions for the routing or withdrawal of the Tickets will be determined by mutual agreement between the Buyer and the Seller at the time of the Order. FRAME-ME incurs no liability in the event of loss of the Tickets after the Order, nor in the event of non-compliance with any provision relating to the non-transferability of the Tickets. It is therefore up to each Buyer to ensure that the Tickets sold to him by a Seller are legally valid.


The responsibility of FRAME-ME towards the User can only be engaged for established faults that would be attributable to it and in particular for non-compliance with its obligations under the Terms. By using the Platform, the User declares and guarantees that he is fully aware of the characteristics and constraints of the Internet, in particular that data and information transmissions over the Internet only benefit from a relative technical reliability. The User acknowledges that any site may be subject to the intrusion of unauthorized third parties and be corrupted accordingly and this despite the protective measures in accordance with the rules of art put in place by FRAME-ME.

FRAME-ME can in no way be held responsible for accidental or voluntary damage suffered by the User and caused or not by third parties and not found in any breach of FRAME-ME’s contractual obligations.

The User acknowledges being solely responsible for any information appearing on his User account as well as the use he makes of it.

As a result, FRAME-ME cannot be held liable in particular for:
• any case of Act of God;
• the difficulties of access to the Platform due to the total or partial non-compliance of an obligation of the User, the use by the User of equipment not adapted to the characteristics of the Platform, a failure and/or saturation of the internet network at certain times and over which FRAME-ME has no control;
• the misuse of the Platform by the User;
• possible misuse of the Identifiers, and more generally any sensitive information for the User, these being under the sole responsibility of the User.
Any repairs of the damage to the User due by FRAME-ME resulting from a fault duly established against it will correspond to the damages, losses and direct damages related to the failure in question, to the express exclusion of the indirect damages.


FRAME-ME reserves the right to change the Platform, in particular by making available new features, or by modifying or removing certain features. The User will be informed of any modification concerning him when connecting to the Platform, where new Terms will have to be approved.


The user has the option to publish any type of content on the Site (including the Seller note, post comments and opinion on the products as well as events and shows relating to the Notes) (hereinafter a “Contribution”).

FRAME-ME is expressly authorized to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish and make available to all persons these Contributions anywhere in the world and on any medium whatsoever.

Any contribution is public and not the subject of a check prior to dissemination by FRAME-ME which does so incurs no liability for Contributions which remain the sole responsibility of the author. FRAME-ME nevertheless reserves the right to delete any contribution which it deems contrary to public policy or to the following provisions.

In any case, the Buyer s’ agrees that such Contributions comply with this charter under which a contribution can only have:
• any false, illegal, misleading, defamatory, abusive, obscene, pornographic, indecent, suggestive, intimidating or harassing information of a third party, threatening, disrespectful of the rights of privacy or publication rights, abusive, incendiary, fraudulent or reprehensible;
• content that constitutes, encourages, promotes or provides an indication of the manner in which an illegal activity or criminal offense is to be carried out, commits civil liability, violates the rights of a third party in any country in the world, or who incur liability or violate local, national or international law;
• content violating any intellectual property right;
• content that impersonates a person or entity;
• no promotion, direct mail or “spamming”, Political campaign messages, advertisements, contests, sweepstakes or unwanted solicitations;
• information confidential, including in particular the name, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers and credit card numbers of a user or any other person.
Any User has the option to request the removal and deletion of any Content that he/she has posted on the Site. FRAME-ME undertakes to withdraw such Content as soon as possible after the receipt of a request to this effect by the User author of the Content or by any third party in case of Content contrary to the provisions of this article.


FRAME-ME is responsible for the personal data processing of Buyers and Sellers.
The information provided by the Buyer for their Order are intended for FRAME-ME or its service providers, and are used for the treatment and monitoring of Orders, marketing management and customer relationship, and exclude any commercial solicitation not involving the use of the Platform. This information will also be provided to the Seller(s) concerned by the Order(s) who agrees to use solely for that purpose and to make any statement that would be required.

Data concerning Buyers may also be communicated to partners from FRAME-ME for the purposes of electronic, mail or telephone prospecting.

Any Buyer may refuse this by sending a message to FRAME-ME from .
In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, all Purchasers has at all times a right of access, opposition, rectification and deletion of data personal about him, he can exercise by sending an e-mail with proof of identity to


The User acknowledges that FRAME-ME is under no obligation to store data on its servers, as part of the use of the Platform. Consequently, and unless special conditions derogate from this article, FRAME-ME will not be bound by any obligation to store the User’s data beyond a period of 5 years.

Consequently, the User acknowledges that he will have to take all necessary measures to ensure, by his own means, the preservation of this data, beyond the said period of 5 years.


13.1. Amendments and coming into force

FRAME-ME reserves the right to make changes to these Terms. Sellers and Buyers will be notified of such changes when they connect to the Platform.

13.2. Independence

FRAME-ME and each of the Sellers are independent contractors. None of the provisions of the TOS will be deemed to create an employer-employee relationship, and FRAME-ME and each Sellers will not respond in all respects except to the employment, control and conduct of all persons employed by them. FRAME-ME and each of the Sellers and any of their employees are not authorized to engage nor can they declare themselves authorized to engage the other party in any capacity whatsoever.

13.3. communications

Unless otherwise specified, any communication between FRAME-ME and the Seller / Buyers will be made by email to the email address provided at the time of registration of the Seller / Buyer and to the following address for FRAME-ME :

13.4. Invalidity – Waiver

If one or more of the clauses of the TOS is or are declared null or not applicable by a jurisdiction, they will be considered as unwritten, the other clauses remaining in force.

The fact that one of the parties did not require the application of a regulatory or legislative provision or of any GSC, permanently or temporarily, can in no way be considered as a waiver of the rights of this party arising from said provision or stipulation.

13.5. Applicable law – Litigation

These Terms are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute between the parties regarding the validity, interpretation, execution, resolution, consequences and consequences of the TOU, the parties undertake to resolve it before amicably. If at the end of a period of thirty (30) days, they could not reach an agreement, the dispute would then be submitted to the Commercial Court of Nantes, which will have sole jurisdiction, even in case of plurality of defendants, call in warranty or interim, subject however to any mandatory provision applicable, particularly in terms of consumer law.








14.1. Eligibility

Contest is open to whomever those who sign up at the contest page on WannaDance Website. The contest is open to all provinces, territories, states and countries of the world and is void where prohibited by law. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.

14.2. Agreement to Rules

By participating, you agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules, and you represent and warrant that you meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein. In addition, you agree to accept the decisions of WannaDance as final and binding as it relates to the content.
The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws.


14.3.Contest Period

Entries will be accepted online from and until a date specified on the contest page. All online entries must be received by the date specified  in the contest page.
14.4. How to Enter
The Contest must be entered by submitting an entry using the online links provided on this Contest site. The entry must fulfill all contest requirements, as specified, to be eligible to win a prize. Entries that are not complete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified.


14.5. Prizes

Winners will receive a prize as communicated on the “Contest” section of the site. Actual/appraised value may differ at time of prize awarded. The prize is non-transferable. Any and all prize related expenses, including without limitation any and all federal, provincial, and/or local taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the winner. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by winners is permitted. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for WannaDance to use winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.
14.6. Odds
The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.


14.7. Winner selection and notification

Winners of the Contest will be selected in a random drawing. Winners will be notified via email to the email address they entered the Contest …. 
WannaDance shall have no liability for a winner’s failure to receive notices due to winners’ spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for winners’ provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. 
If the selected winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within … days from the time award notification was sent, prize may be forfeited, and an alternate winner selected. The receipt by winner of the prize offered in this Contest is conditioned upon compliance with any and all federal and Provincial laws and regulations.
14.8. Rights Granted by you
By entering this content you understand that WannaDance, anyone acting on behalf of WannaDance, or its respective licensees, successors and assigns will have the right, where permitted by law, without any further notice, review or consent to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use, worldwide in any media now known or hereafter in perpetuity and throughout the World, your entry, including, without limitation, the entry and winner’s name, portrait, picture, voice, likeness, image or statements about the Contest , and biographical information as news, publicity or information and for trade, advertising, public relations and promotional purposes without any further compensation.
14.9. Terms
WannaDance reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify, extent or suspend the Contest should (in its sole discretion) a virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, fraud or other causes beyond its control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or proper conduct of the Contest.
14.10. Limitation of Liability
By entering you agree to release and hold harmless WannaDance and its subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors from any liability, illness, injury, death, loss, litigation, claim or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not, from (i) such entrant’s participation in the contest and/or his/her acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize or any portion thereof, (ii) technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the malfunctioning of any computer, cable, network, hardware or software; (iii) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any transmissions or telephone or Internet service; (iv) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Promotion; (v) electronic or human error which may occur in the administration of the Promotion or the processing of entries.

14.11. Disputes

THIS CONTEST IS GOVERNED BY THE APPLICABLE EUROPEAN LAWS. As a condition of participating in this Contest, the participant agrees that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action.


14.12. Free games, promo-code offers and their counterparts

In the interest of transparency, WannaDance informs you that the free contests and promo-code offers we run are only made possible with the consent of the participants to collect and share personal information with our partners. These partners are carefully selected to ensure that the services they provide in return meet the perceived needs of the participants and/or serve their interests. Our partners agree never to resell or trade personal data collected by WannaDance to third parties.

WannaDance also reserve the right to subscribe participants to the WannaDance Newsletter in order to let them benefit from our good deals while leaving the possibility to unsubscribe at any time. 


14.13. Privacy Policy

Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the WannaDance Web Site. Winners of the Contest will be selected in a random drawing. Winners will be notified via email to the email address they submitted when they entered the contest and/or on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and/or TikTok.
WannaDance shall have no liability for a winner’s failure to receive notices due to winners’ spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for winners’ provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information.

If the selected winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within specified timeframe from the time the award notification was sent, prize may be forfeited, and an alternate winner selected. The receipt by winner of the prize offered in this Contest is conditioned upon compliance with any and all federal and Provincial laws and regulations.



Privacy policies

By using our services, you consent to the use of your information in accordance with this confidentiality policy. We will not use or share your personal information with anyone except as described in our privacy policy. Please consult our dedicated page to know more about our privacy policies.

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